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“You Were Made…For Such A Time As THIS” on November 12, 2022 By Kriss Morris, Care Net's Board President

Have you ever seen miracles happen right before your eyes? Or watched life’s events unfold at just the right time—that is beyond your comprehension, that you just can not explain? Such a story is unfolding right here in our community. One that has been developing for over 38 years at Care Net Pregnancy Center of IRC. It’s a story of dedication and perseverance. But most of all, it’s a story about love.

Annually, a group of Care Net volunteers gathers to brainstorm and pray about who they will invite to Vero Beach as their annual keynote speaker. A person who can amplify the mission and the messages from their collective hearts about the life-supporting needs they seek to meet and the people they hope to help.

Last year, Care Net invited a preacher turned politician to speak. Governor Mike Huckabee shared a tender story about his daughter and asked the assembled crowd of 500+ to “just do something” for their community through Care Net. He asked the guests to give of themselves in ways they had never done before. God sent Mike to provide a spark. And the supporters of the Center were ignited! In the time since they have contributed a record number of volunteer hours and doubled the event’s donation record set just the year before!

But those weren’t God’s only miracles occurring right before this ministry’s eyes. In August, He led us to discover a potential new location for Care Net. Near the hospital, doubling their current space, tripling their parking, and putting them where they have always longed to be. “Our current location served us well for 28 years, but we’ve outgrown it. We’ve been looking for a new location and more space for years,” explained Bonnie Martinelli, Executive Director.

At this writing, the property is under contract, and all parties are performing their due diligence. In addition to this exciting news, a small group of Care Net Champions banded together to gather donations and pledges. In a miraculously short span of time, 75% of the expected $2,000,000 total costs for this new facility has been raised! Truly, For Such a Time as THIS!

“Praise God and His people! God’s love is overwhelming. His people are amazing. And His timing is…perfect! We at Care Net are racing to keep pace as God leads us all to come together…For Such a Time as THIS!” adds Martinelli.

Please join Care Net as we welcome Kayleigh McEnany on Saturday, November 12 for the 38th Annual Fall Fundraiser – “For Such A Time As This.” The event will be held at the IG Center on Oslo Road. Doors open at 6 pm and the program starts at 7 pm. A Charcuterie board and light dessert will be available for guests to enjoy during the presentation.

For further information or to purchase event tickets, please call 772-569-7939, visit or email


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Connecting NowFaith

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